Chapter 3707
Many people knew Adrian to be one of the most outstanding disciples in the Golden Palace’s outer circle, and that he had a chance to become the young lord of the sacred martial arts training ground.

Adrian must’ve assigned Smoke to Koen in order to get the support he needed and gain total control of Golden Palace’s outer circle.

Simply put, the engagement banquet represented Adrian’s absolute will.

Not only did this mean that Adrian was determined to take over the entire outer circle, but he was also dead set on permanently dealing with Harvey and the others.

If they only ruined Koen’s engagement, they would probably still have the chance to live. However, they were destined to die horrible deaths if they tampered with Adrian’s plans!


An elderly man in a yellow robe took a step forward from the corner where he stood, and then pounced.

He looked like an eagle diving down onto his prey, flying right toward Layne before swiping its claws.

A killer move!

The man was planning
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