Chapter 3699
“Alright. That’s enough for today, Maiden Garcia.

“Go back and tell Axel Garcia something for me.

“Schemes don’t work like this. If he wants to make empty promises, at least show the real stuff first.

“People aren’t stupid nowadays.

“I have had no interest in your offer since the beginning, but I am interested in you.

Harvey York held Zoe Garcia’s hand quietly before taking back his card with a profound smile.

“Maiden Garcia, some of the things you’re promising me are just too good to be true. Those things are simply out of reach…

“But not the Martial Hall.

“We’ll still welcome you with open arms when you’re ready!

“I don’t go back on my word…”

Then, Harvey chuckled before walking away.

Zoe’s mouth twitched when she was utterly enraged. She quietly put her hand back in her bag soon after.

A card slipped out without a sound.

Right when Harvey retrieved his card, he snuck another into Zoe’s hand.

Zoe glanced at the Black Card in the corner of her eye with a hesitant look.

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