The Spy

The rumours that circulated in the royal court and in the university world was a young man who had managed to develop skills to integrate a select group, a report on the young man had arrived in the Monarch's hand.

"Young man of good nature, ethical, son of Juana Montes, whose was the first wife of Oscar Gray, whose who is in debt with the crown, the young Manfredo Montes Neutro, stood out in the school of instruction in physical and intellectual activities, the court wishes to reward him for completing the two training courses of mathematics and cavalry, the service of spy of the Crown".

The monarch read carefully what was written, Oscar Gray, this would be his first mission, he felt a trust an empathy not yet explained for this boy.

Manfredo dedicated himself arduously in concluding the two tasks that life put him to reward, he would be victorious, he put God in front, everything was duly well, the years of the formation passed, when he finished the course, hi

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