The Marriage

The evening had gone exceptionally well, Ernest had flirted with her insistently for years, until a note cut her heart.

"Dear Ernest,

do not give me your word, for I have an appointment.

Juana Montes"

When she wrote her name on the note she thought twice until she decided, it would be a chance a chance, she lowered her head on her hand, she thought, she had decided to send it anyway, she handed it to a domestic of the home, who found it and left the note.

But with the death of her husband, a burnt body, in the middle of the war field with personal objects of the royalty, they buried with labour all, as much as the sadness was strong, Juana Montes felt liberated, she could enjoy the love of the young knight.

She had let this thought grow slowly in her conscience in her heart, but she had always loved him, from the first day in the square until the courting at the end of the march, she decided to wait for an attitude from him.

Ernest Ne

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