The mission, part I

The young Manfred, now belonging to the Royal Guard, returns to his parents' home, he spoke little he knew of his whereabouts, he only said he was working for the Monarch, with the money he would receive from the service he could live alone, longing for independence, but he would prefer to choose an alternative, Since childhood, he had discovered a letter, he believed it to be the treasure map, he kept it for years, until today at last it was revealed, it was the whereabouts of Oscar Gray, it mentioned two counties, and a valley in the middle of both of them.

Slyly, without understanding much, he had decided to mount in his horse and to adventure in that mission, it was with his horse windy until there, a horse all white, strong, he arrived at the first county, he had not decided to be social, he directed to the second one, in the middle of her it was separated by a river, he observed from afar a light high up in the night, and although he was delirious, a voice was heard, it w
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