The Plan

Oscar Gray, made the course back thoughtful, what he would draw up, he thought to make his wife comfortable with the goods acquired in life while in the profession of diplomat, the mines were worth much more, but he knew that this offer to marry the two daughters would be an ambush, he had the answer he wanted, he scanned the land, he had stayed in the vicinity, sending a message to the mercenary, an acquaintance from times of service to the fatherland, he spent days, he explained the plan, primary, which would be to enter the castle of Count Jua, The mercenary, August Yuis, coveted one of the daughters, Oscar Gray had never wanted him as a partner in business, but something had become too much to face, the interest of the death of the count and his daughter, the other Burgo had ceased truce, the gold traded between the two unions were being in the trade, August checked the possibilities of dormitory and how to enter in the dead of night, the Count formalized that night the marriage

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