Chapter 12

Selena pov

He doesn't say anything, just keeps his eyes locked on me.

" can I help you with something!" I say and try to sound unbothered by his presence.

His eyes travel over my body before his hand comes up around my neck and force me close to his body. I feel tingles from his hand and hold the towel tighter around my body. His breath fanning my face and I hear him take a large inhail, I know my presence affects him too.

" you will stay in this room until I'm back. Your interrogation isn't over!" He growls at me.

I just keep my eyes on his but don't say anything. He lets go of me and turns around. Seeing him walking over to the door and stopping right in front of it.

" don't think about escaping! There will be guards outside the whole time!" That's all he says before he walks out the door leaving me alone.

Letting out a breath of relief when he has left I gather myself and walk out of the bathroom. Finding a shirt and underwear I start putting them on when I hear several people talk
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