Chapter 166

Selena pov

Jessie stands from her seat when we start to walk out of my office together.

"I wonder what she has in mind for you!" she says and chuckles and when it comes to Emma you never know.

"yeah, this will be interesting!" I say and chuckle with her when we make our way down the hallway and over to my room, hearing her being in my closet I'm about to head over when she comes out and stops me.

"no, you don't get to see anything before I'm done! Come on!" she says and grabs my arm before leading me over to my bathroom.

" You know I can find my way in here myself!" I say when she pushes me inside and is about to close the door.

"Now you take a shower and shave properly, don't want to see chunks of hair on your legs after!" she says and looks sternly at me before she closes the door, I just stand there puzzled and looking at the closed door when I hear her walk around in the room before I shake my head at her and start to undress.

Placing my clothes in the wash bin I head over to the
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