Chapter 16

Selena pov

"Look what the cat brought in!" Comes Emma's voice the moment I step inside the house. I'm naked and bloody and all I want right now is a hot shower.

" you could have warned me!" I just state to her and walk by, heading up the stairs and to my room. I hear her running after me and when I come inside my room I head right over to my bathroom.

"I did warn you to not go there! I was you who didn't listen" she says when I turn on the shower and wait for the water to get warmer before stepping inside.

"But you knew!" I say to her and look angry at her. She just starts to laugh and I roll my eyes at her. I'm not surprised about her behavior at all. I bet she finds this really funny!

"Yes, I did! And maybe I thought it was time you saw that nice piece of as again. How did you like your time with your mate" she says and wiggles her eyebrows at me. Pinching the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath.

" you know what! I don't want him. I give him to you! Then you can enjoy his nice
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