Chapter 162

Selena pov

Looking at Kian when he walks inside the room with our son in his arms I smile at how gorgeous he looks, wouldn't I already be completely hooked on him just this sight of him with our child in his arms had made me fall for him completely.

"Michael wanted to come over and talk!" I tell him when he walks inside the room and stops by the bed, our daughter is done eating and needs to be burped when we change children.

I try to breastfeed them as much I can but sometimes we give them extra milk so I can have a longer rest between, offering our son the breast he is quick to take it and start eating.

"has he found any clue?" Kian ask and I'm not sure they have been able to solve it but when he said he wanted to come over and talk it gave me some hope for all this.

"I don't know I hope they got some news," I say and see him burping our daughter, I don't know if it's my hormones that are running havoc in my body but I get weak in my knees by just looking at him and I'm sitting down
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