Bonus chapter 1

Selena pov

Laying on my side I feel a kick in my rib and grunt from the pain when Kian's hand comes down to my stomach and caresses it.

"Is she giving you a hard time?" he says and traces his nose down my neck before he places a kiss on my shoulder.

"not more than usual!" I say and roll to lay on my back when he looks down on me.

"What does my beautiful wife want to do today!" he says and I sigh.

"eat and sleep, mabie take a bath but you won't get me out of this room today!" I say and try to sit up from the bed, we got married a week ago even if we tried to rush it my pregnancy was as fast as last time and I'm about to go into labor any day now.

"you don't have to do anything! The twins are with my parents until she has arrived!" he says and helps me to sit up from the bed. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed when Kian helps me to stand up, looking down at my stomach it looks like it has drooped lover and this time I'm more prepared for what is to come and takes it easy these da
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