Who blood is this?

With a look of madness in her eyes, satisfied that she had gotten her wish and murdered Zane, Deborah suddenly turned the gun on both men.

Before they could react, she fired several shots, and they died as the bullets pierced their chests, each of them falling lifeless to the ground.

Looking up at Zane, lying motionless, Deborah chuckled to herself, and then she quickly walked over to him.

"I hope you and your mother rot in hell." She whispered, reaching for the bag and yanked it off his head.

Immediately, her hand started trembling as tears welled up in her eyes, and she picked him off the ground, resting his head on her lap, and whispered, "My beautiful baby boy...!! My child! Leon, please open your eyes! Leon, Mommy is sorry, open your eyes, please. I beg you ..." Her voice cracked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"No! no, no, no!... No, Leon! Please! I need you! I love you! Wake up! Open your eyes!"

She screamed hysterically, hugging Leon tight as tears streamed down her cheeks u
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