Even if I die

In the midst of the tense silence, Zane sat at the head of a long mahogany table, his gaze steady as he surveyed the board members of NewEra as everyone waited for him to speak.

Taking a deep breath, Zane began, his voice strong and his eyes bored into them one after the other, "Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today to address the mistakes of my past and to offer my unwavering dedication to the revival of NewEra. I know that I have gone against this company countless times, but from this day forward, I promise to use my knowledge and skills to help rebuild what was once the lifeblood of this organization."

His words hung in the silence, and Zane's gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each board member, their expression still that of fear.

"I owe this to my late mother," Zane continued. "Her life was taken so this place can get built, and it is my duty, as her son, to honor her legacy and ensure that NewEra rises from the ashes."

A hushed silence filled the room as
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