Are you sure it's Zane
The hospital room was filled with silent tension as Belinda and Emma cautiously entered.

Their eyes immediately fell upon Zane, who was sitting by the bed, his head resting on the mattress. Yoko, who had been keeping a watchful eye on him, glanced up at the sound of their arrival.

Placing his hand to his lip, he whispered, "Shh-shh... Since we got to the hospital yesterday, he just fell asleep."

But just as the words left Yoko's lips, Zane's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up, his gaze fixated on the two ladies standing before him. There was a mixture of relief and weariness in his eyes, and a faint smile crossed his lips.

Unable to contain her emotions, Emma stepped forward and enveloped Zane in a tight hug, her arms wrapped around his neck. Her voice, barely a whisper, trembled with concern, "How are you hanging in?"

As his weary gaze met Emma's, Zane managed a small smile.

"I am just glad that this idiot is fine," he replied, his voice laced with a touch of humor, but his e
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