Chapter 269

Damon - [P.O.V]

He remembered the feeling of him sinking in that cold river.

A going girl trying her best to push him to safety, him being rescued, and that girl drifting farther and farther away. He felt a splitting headache.

Damon looked at Cora face again.

Why is he suddenly remembering this? Is this woman, that girl?!

How, what is going on?

He looked at her more closely.

Is she really the person that he spent so much time looking for?

But his grandfather said that her parents died and she had been living with her uncle.But the person that he knew, her parents were alive then.

What happened to her? What went on in the life of this woman?

He suddenly wanted to know more about her, who knows? Perhaps fate wants to play a silly game with him. The person that he was looking for, finally might have come to him on his own.

Cora noticed the way that Damon was smiling at her. She instantly thought that it was because he was interested in her. A face like this, how can anyone bear n
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