Chapter 264

Cora's - [P.O.V]

Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?

How can what they did to her be considered 'raising'?

They literally treated her worse than a live in maid! Because she was able to become an actress with her own hard work and because she is about to marry one of the top ten richest men in the country, they are trying to take credit for 'raising' her?

"You raised me? Uncle can you really say for sure that you raised me? How can you even try and use that as a leverage to get me to do what you want?

You treated me worse than a live in maid uncle! You treated me way worse!

Don't try and use that as a leverage to get me to help your company!

Everything I have now is because of my own hard work!" Cora said. It wasn't exactly hard work that had gotten Cora this far. It was her face, her beautiful face. But the face is hers, so it's her hard work paright?

Peter's wife, Vivian who had been listening to the conversation since Joana came in could not keep her cool anymore. How da
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