Chapter 263

Sira's - [P.O.V]

Cora Monroe was still sulking in her thoughts when she felt someone gripped her shoulders from behind her. She turned sharply and saw her best friend Sira looking at her.

She fell on Sira and started crying immediately.

"Sira, what am I going to do? My grandmother.

I don't know what is going to happen to her. They won't let me go inside to see her.

I don't know what I'm going to do if my grandmother dies Sira. I don't know" Cora Monroe cried.

Sira hugged her friend tightly. She really felt sorry for her. She should not be suffering like this. Why does her friend have to have such a hard life?

She and her grandmother had struggled so much to get Cora Monroe through high school, just as she was about to get into acting college she fell ill for the first time. Cora Monroe used her tuition and got her grandmother through that first stage of her sickness.

After that there was no way for her to go back to school.

She had to give up her dream to become an actress and w
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