Chapter 5074
Philip never cared for Noelle's appearance.

He was always surrounded by so many beautiful women that he was almost immune and could hardly distinguish between one beautiful face from another.

He could only distinguish between beautiful and ugly.

As such, Philip would never guess or care about Scarlet’s messy thoughts.

This insignificant woman was not worthy of his attention.

“What problem are you talking about?”

Philip was confused. He did not know what happened, but he was confident that there would never be any problem with his pills.

Scarlet helped out a frail man and accused Philip, “This man bought a pill from your store that was supposed to improve his practice level, but he almost lost his life after taking it! You need to explain if this is true. Many people can testify that he bought the pill from your store!”

Scarlet was elated. She finally found this guy after searching for a long time.

Scarlet had always wanted to find an opportunity to deal with Philip, s
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