Chapter 5076
Later, a hunter team invited him to hunt for money.

However, the beasts were getting more aggressive recently, so he wanted to buy another pill before setting off.

He could protect himself better if he was stronger, even if it was just by a fraction.

When he was about to buy another pill, he discovered that all the pills had been sold out.

He could not find any pills that could improve his strength, and he heard the price of pills had skyrocketed.

The man was very upset and went drinking alone.

There, he met a second-hand pill dealer who sold him a pill to improve his strength.

More importantly, this person claimed that he bought it from Philip's Treasure House.

He thought this second-hand dealer was honest and would never cheat him.

In the end, he fell for it. Not only did he lose a lot of money, but he also hurt himself.

What a shame!

Later, he was bewitched by this woman to frame Philip against his conscience.

Although he told some untruths, he had no intenti
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