Chapter 5077
Unexpectedly, the man turned against Scarlet.

The man bowed to Philip robotically.

He was terrified.

The look in Philip’s eyes was terrifying, and the killing intent jolted him awake.

As someone who often went hunting in the forest, he swore that he had never seen such strong murderous intent in the eyes of any beast.

That made him even more scared.

Scarlet pulled the man up and scolded him harshly, “What are you doing? Don’t back down now! Even if no one supports us, we need to stand on moral ground and charge him!”

Scarlet had not noticed that her charm was wearing off.

Seeing her smug look. Philip finally could not take it anymore.

“Put away your charm spell. That thing has no effect here,” Philip said in front of everyone, and Scarlet was dumbfounded.

In the past, many powerful people knew that Scarlet used this trick to bewitch others, but no one bothered to expose her.

For Philip to mention it today was like a slap to her face.

Scarlet lost her confidence
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