S3 Chapter 20 : Visiting the Spice Emporium

“That was crazy,” Conor said as they headed across the street.

Kerrigan slipped up beside him, slipping her hand into his, “I get the feeling that our lives will always attract crazy.”

Conor sighed, “It does seem that way. Let’s see how Mr. Arroz is doing.” Conor gave Kerrigan’s hand a gentle squeeze as they crossed the street and stepped into the spice shop. A small bell sounded as they walked in.

“Be right up!” came the bellow from the back room.

Conor pointed to the glass case that protected the world from the hottest spice known, Abrasax’s wrath. “Now, any idea how we can get Kelan and perhaps Nyman to swallow that whole jar?”

Kerrigan giggled, “I have a few I would like to feed it to. Think Mr. Arroz will part with the whole jar?”

“Depends if he thinks he can replace it,” Conor said as Faolon brushed past him. “Hey, Faolan! Sit! PRALL!”

Faolan came back and sat at his feet.

Kerrigan looked up at him, “She just wants to sniff. This whole place is full of new smells.”

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