S3 Ch 17: Rock climbing

“OK, now it's time for you to try. Who is up first?”

Conor volunteered.

“Fine, Kerrigan, you are on belay. I will back you up and walk you through each step. I want you both to understand, Lead climbing like this places your life in the hands of your partner. If you don’t trust each other and learn not only to communicate but to anticipate each other’s needs, you will fail and likely hurt each other.”

Kerrigan looked dubiously at Parker. “Conor is easily 50 pounds heavier than me!”

Parker eyed Conor’s muscular but toned form, “You are what? 200 or 210 pounds these days?”

“Last I checked, yea, right at 205.”

“Should be fine. Kerrigan, you just have to learn to brace yourself correctly. You could go for a ride but if you use the skills I taught you earlier you could even belay me, and I am 230 pounds these days. Climbing is about technique as much as it is about skill. Now, let's get Conor tied in.”

Parker tied the end of the climbing rope to Conor’s harness and showed Kerrigan.
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