Chapter 110

The warriors entered the blue herd, and an explosion of applause and cheers greeted them. When the sisters saw their parents, they couldn't contain their excitement and ran to embrace them.

"Daughters, you are my greatest treasure, and these lands can find no better protection than what you offer," shouted Danna, her tear-filled eyes reflecting her happiness.

"We are the warriors we are because of you; you are our beacon, our example to follow," said Eda, turning away from her father and holding Mateo in her arms.

Perseus, on seeing his sons, advanced towards them with a firm step. Eulius, on seeing his father, threw himself at him with an overflowing smile as he babbled excitedly.

"Daddy... I love Daddy..."

Perseus hugged his son and silent tears streamed down his face. At the moment of his capture, he would never have imagined that he would ever again experience the warm comfort of hugging his children. Then, with his free arm, he picked up his little princess, whose smile lit up he
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