Chapter 107

On the outskirts, Eos watched the herd enter with a mixture of boldness and concern. Heracles and Dylan approached their cousin with worried expressions.

"Cousin, we've surrounded the herd and we're looking for an entrance, but it's impossible; all access is blocked."

Faced with the difficulty, Eos began to analyze how they could scale the wall. However, muffled cries caught his attention; they were coming from inside the herd. Anguish overtook his body and Galileo, sensing the despair on his face, put his right hand on one of Eos' shoulders.

"Eos! You're strong. Don't be discouraged. Your people need you, they trust you," said Galilea, trying to encourage him not to weaken.

Heracles and Dylan, aware of the gravity of the situation, gathered their men together to plan a strategy to bring down the imposing main gate. The crowd's shouts grew louder and louder. At that moment, Eos' eyes took on a golden hue; she raised her hands and roots sprouted from the earth and climbed towards the w
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