Chapter 2955
Charity was speechless.

It was true that Chester could not do it with her.

Was that why her good friends could look so calm even after hearing that she had spent a night with Chester?

“What gives? Could he have done it with you?” As soon as Freya noticed that Charity was quiet, she asked with interest and curiosity.

“You’re overthinking it.”

Catherine said with a discreet smile, “Even if there’s something wrong with that part of his, he could’ve done it if he wanted to.”

“Wow. Sure enough, you know everything, Cathy.” Freya chuckled. “Charity, you can get Cathy to teach you one day.”

However, Catherine still felt a little embarrassed, and her face flushed red. “Shaun used to have a mental block in that aspect too, but he would still make me happy. If Shaun knows that, I believe Chester knows better.”

After all, no one could beat Chester when it came to his experience with women.

Charity was silent for a while before she said, “It doesn’t matter to me. I’ll let nature take its
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