Chapter 2954
“You haven’t answered my question.” Charity asked in annoyance, “Why were you in a hurry to get away from me?”

A miserable look washed over Chester’s face. “If I hadn’t done that, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to get hold of myself.”

Charity looked down at the lower part of Chester’s body. “Is it because… you can’t control it anymore?”

Her directness caused Chester’s face to turn grim. “Charity, do you mean that I have no sexual urges? There were homosexual eunuchs in the past. Although that part of mine can’t function, I can still feel the necessary sensations. When I see your sexy side, I still have the urge to hug and kiss you.”

Once Charity understood the situation, she felt slightly more relaxed.

After all, she was a woman and was under the impression that she had lost her charm in front of Chester.

“Charity, next time, can I…” Chester suddenly bit his tongue and stared at her. “Kiss you?”

Charity’s pretty face instantly heated up.

When had she stopped him from kis
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