Chapter 128 – The Groom Is Missing

(Leigh’s POV)

So much for my plan of beauty rest!

I hardly had a wink last night because baby Amanda was crying almost all night that I wanted to rush her to the hospital, but whenever I danced her in my arms, she would stop crying and go to sleep. George brought Maxine yesterday to our house, and since she couldn’t come to our bedroom, she has been howling and crying until midnight. Only when Kayla got Callie out of my room that she stops whimpering.

“What happened to you?” Elle blinked, looking at me as she entered my room.

I climbed down from the bed lazily, went to my dresser, and saw my hair worse than a haystack. I groaned, looking at my eyes.

She rolled her eyes, tugging me back to the bed.

“What time are we leaving?” I asked, lying again on the bed. I need sleep—more of it.

She chuckled. “We’re actually leaving. Just sleep in the car,” she suggested. “You need to have your hair done, makeup, and everything.”

I groaned, going under the covers of my blanket. “Why is it that it d
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