Chapter 122 – Deciding For Me

(Alexander’s POV)

Kayla and Eloisa came into the room with little Alexander and baby Amanda. When the twins cried, it was like something snapped inside Leigh’s mind, making her blink. She scrambled to her feet, ignoring me in front of her and seeing only her two children.

“Alex…” She cried.

Eloisa, her eyes puffy from crying, nodded. “Yes. Alex came back and returned them.”

“Are they hungry? Is Alex…” Leigh said, pressing her breasts and shaking her head. “Never mind.”

“You have to eat and clean up first, Leigh,” Kayla told her.

“Of course,” she said, pacing around the room, not knowing what to do first. “Is Alex -”

She stopped again, perhaps she still didn’t know how to ask it, but couldn’t she see me? Kayla placed Amanda in the crib and approached her sister, putting her hands on her shoulder and holding her in place.

“Alex is fine. He’s very much okay. You don’t have to worry about him. Listen to me, Kayleigh, gather yourself together because the twins are hungry. Eloisa will help
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