Book Two - Ch.# 59

It was dark by the time we made it home, having spent the whole day with the Hidden Moon talking.

After my conversation with Jax, the two of us had returned to the camp and the topic of war wasn’t broached again - much to my relief. I went through the motions and enjoyed my time meeting the Hidden Moon members, but all the while dreaded the conversation I would need to have once I returned home with Clarissa.

She had been worn out to her limit, I could tell. Being out of the home and needing to be so alert for so long had taken its toll on her. Her face was paler than normal and her coughs were more frequent. But even though I was concerned for her, I couldn’t help but still feel salty over her behaviour. Especially at her attempts of overruling our initial agreements.

“I’m going to bed…,” she mumbled, starting to shuffle her way there.

We’d only just stepped through the door when she announced it, not even bothering to justify herself about today.

“No,” I simply said, making her paus
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