Chapter 419: “Master and Disciple Meeting”

"Attack them and prove to His Majesty the Mastery that we can protect this place," said Armani.

“With that weak strength, you guys want to fight me? Do not dream!" Felix, who saw Armani's strength, was only at the first level of the Supreme God realm, confidently welcomed Armani's attack.

"Don't just look at a person's strength from the level of his strength, but see how cleverly he uses his strength," Armani said as he swung his fist at Felix.


Felix also swung his fists to pit his strength against Armani, but a strange thing happened when Felix, whose strength was two levels above Armani, was pushed back when he collided with Armani.

“How can his strength be much greater than mine, two levels above his?” Felix said in his heart.

"See, even though you are strong, you are not necessarily stronger than me," said Armani, showing his cynical smile.


On the other hand, the battle also showed the same result; soldiers
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