Chapter 2471 Defy the Laws Of Physics
Zayn had never felt so agonized in his life!

It was because he knew that Faye was already at the end of her life, not even God could save her now!

He had no idea why his heart would ache so badly and why he hated himself so much. It was well within his expectation that both Faye and him would not survive the fall.

Now, he was in so much agony just because Faye was one step ahead of him in death.

Was he in agony because Faye sacrificed her life for his survival, or was it because he would not see Faye again for the rest of his life?

Zayn’s mind could not function normally anymore because he was in so much pain and tormented now.

His body was still dropping constantly and at an increasing speed. They were dropping so fast that Faye could not withstand the process and was suffocating. After seeing Faye’s condition, Zayn did not even think. He began to stop his body from falling at full speed instinctively as he was born to do it until he became completely suspended in the air!

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