Chapter 1961
Dior examined the footage the moment she received it.

True enough, it showed Sonia and George talking about their little deal. It also showed how Dior was telling the truth while they both ganged up on her.

Dior’s frail heart felt as though it was rejuvenated once more, feeling as though blood was once more pumped into her heart. Her dull eyes devoid of hope regained their lost luster once more.

Not thinking twice, she dialed Harry's number with this evidence, though he had to be busy, seeing as he did not pick up even after the phone rang for a long while.

Just as she was about to hang up, Harry picked up the phone.

"What do you want?"

On the other end of the call was the voice that she had missed for so long. His low, hoarse voice sounded so cold and emotionless.

Hearing his voice brought Dior back to the image of his handsome face, and her heart skipped a beat.

She tried her best to restrain her fluttering emotions as she tried to speak calmly, "Do you have time? I’d like to
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