Chapter 175: The Twelve Claws of Raven

The conversation that Sett and Azula had was an enjoyable one. She was amused with Sett’s curiosity and his eagerness to assess and understand the situation. This made Azula even more intrigued and thus, rewarded Sett with the answers that he so desperately sought.

However, every answer that Sett received didn't actually satisfy him. For him, his aunt was carefully word picking while masking it as a woman, having a pleasurable time conversing with a man. Given her status, it was a sure skill that she must learn to reach the position she is in today.

“So, what were your first impressions with the twelve?” Azula asked Sett, trying to start a new topic for them to share.

“Nothing much. But I am curious to know who they really are.” Sett replied.

“Oh, take it easy, dear boy. You just met them but you’re already planning something that intimate? How bold of you.” Azula mischievously said, trying to tease Sett again.

“You know that’s not what I meant.” Sett chuckled in response.

Azula frown
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