Chapter 178: Rotten Emerald Green

As Sett got up from the couch, Roman didn’t waste any second and delivered a powerful right hook directly aimed for Sett’s face. Sett lost his balance and fell straight to the ground. When he tried to get up, he was concerned because he was still feeling the after shock of the punches he received earlier.

“What’s the matter, prodigal son? Is one punch good enough for yah?!” Roman mockingly exerted.

Sett scoffed in response, trying to act tough and not embarrass himself. He tried to put his hands up and form a stance, but Roman then delivered a powerful three punch combo, which Sett had no time to guard himself. He felt the damage piling up as every blow connected one after another.

Even though Sett’s body was now overwhelmed in pain, Roman still didn’t stop and continued to pummel Sett with powerful punches. Sett tried to fight back, but just got easily countered by Roman everytime he tried to retaliate.

‘What the fuck is this guy’s hands made off?’ Sett thought to himself, struggling
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