Chapter 5878
Meanwhile, at the foot of the mountain where Quiant Monastery was located, Charlie still hadn't decided to abandon the journey. Leaving like this would indeed leave him feeling dissatisfied.

However, Vera's analysis made sense as well. If someone went through the trouble to warn them, it would be too arrogant of them to insist on going forward against the person’s advice. The thought of being arrogant suddenly dawned on Charlie, and he realized that his current strength was far from enough when facing the unknown.

After pondering for a moment, he sighed and admitted, “That abbess is probably right. My strength is even inferior to Fleur's. I shouldn't be overly confident. Besides, she knows our information and movements, which means she's not an ordinary person.”

As he spoke, Charlie looked at Vera and said seriously, “Miss Lavor, you are smarter than me, you think deeper than I do and see even more clearly than I do. Since you are also advising me to stop, I will listen to you an
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