Chapter 5880
Vera's words made Charlie a bit cautious. He couldn't help but ask her, “Do you think there's something off about her identity?”

Vera nodded gently, affirming, “I've encountered some monks who are quite knowledgeable in Buddhism in the past. They all strictly adhere to Buddhist teachings, often quoting scriptures and using Buddhist wisdom in their daily lives and conversations. In simpler terms, even in everyday life, they always relate everything back to Buddhism. But for that abbess, apart from mentioning Amitabha, she rarely talked about Buddhism. So, I suddenly felt that she might not truly be an abbess.”

Charlie became alert and said, “If she's not a real abbess, that means she was disguising herself as one here in order to wait for us. Regardless of whether she's an enemy or a friend, there must be another force at work behind her apart from the Qing Eliminating Society.”

Vera nodded, saying seriously, “But don't worry too much, Young Master. I think they're definitely not ene
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