Chapter 575: Lookalike watch

Grey was not only surprised but disappointed. Didn't he discuss everything with Avery and she did say she was going to listen to him?

Though she wasn't clear about it, Grey expected her to listen. Why was she even stubborn?

“Boss,” Charles called suddenly, pulling Grey out of his mini-thought. “Is something wrong?”

Grey looked at Charles. “I just saw Avery. Or are my eyes playing tricks on me? Isn't that Avery?”

Charles looked ahead, “The lady in black dress?”

Grey looked up again and a flash of disappointment mirrored his face. “No, not a black dress. She was wearing a long red dress,” he explained as his eyes frantically searched the whole area but the lady was gone.

Charles looked at Grey. “Could it have been your eyes? There's no other lady.”

Grey groaned inwardly. “I know what I saw, Charles and you know that. I'm good with sight. I really did see a lady wearing a red dress. If at all I'm mistaken, then it could be about Avery because I didn't see her face, I only saw her backsid
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