Chapter 16: Twists

Grey whipped his head towards the ladies. Didn't they just mention his name?

He chuckled. He couldn't just control it. The ladies were talking about him and they didn't even know. So hilarious!

The ladies turned towards him like he was a joker. "Why did you laugh?"

"I didn't laugh, I chuckled," Grey corrected with sarcasm.

The first lady gave him a dirty stare. "Whatever! All I want to know is why you did that thing you just did. What is so funny in what we are discussing?"

Grey scoffed. " You are discussing seducing someone when you should be discussing prospering. That's gold-digging!"

The lady placed her hands over her waist. " Hey, cut it! We are discussing one of your fellow mates. Isn't Grey Fox a man like you? He can afford what you can't. He can buy your kind of man a hundredfold."

Grey laughed again. " No, he can't," he shook his head slightly. Just as he was about to tell them who he was, a car pulled up in the parking space and a man in Gucci clothes got down.

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