Chapter 2885
Rush out?

Blaze hesitated when he heard what David said.

Even if they could break the seal, they would still have to face the main force of the Sky Demons.

Outside the Metaverse was an army of Sky Demons. They were constantly monitoring the movement of the Metaverse and the surrounding universe.

The Super Sky Demons were in at least double digits.

However, when he recalled David’s performance just now and how he killed two Super Sky Demons, he felt relieved again.

“Are you sure?” Blaze asked.

“Let’s give it a try. How will you know if you don’t try it?” David replied.

“Okay, we’ll take a gamble with you! The Sky Demons will attack us sooner or later anyway, so it’s better to fight now. What do you think?” Blaze said and looked at everyone.

“Let’s kill them!” All the Almighties shouted in unison.

After being trapped here for so long and watching the comrades around them die one by one, everyone had long been suppressing the anger in their hearts.

Now that they finally had the
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