Book 2: Chapter 129
The smell of pine needles and lavender fills the room. I keep my eyes closed and hide my smile as the giggles get closer.

“Mommy? Are you awake?” Maya’s little voice whispers loudly. I can feel her weight climbing onto the bed.

“Shhh, Maya, Mommy gets to sleep, because it’s her birfday,” Andreas giggles at her while he climbs onto the bed as well.

I roll over and pretend to yawn with a big growl and stretch my arms out wide, grabbing them both and bringing them toward me. Their happy squeals fill my heart with joy.

“Hello, darlings,” I squeeze them tightly in my arms.

“Mommy, happy birfday!” Andreas says happily and gives me a wet kiss on the cheek.

“Mommy, Auntie Delilah said she’s made a cake for you,” Maya says with big gray eyes. She lays in my arms and plays with my white hair. She gives a sly little smile, “I think she made chocolate.”

“Oh, she did, did she?” I smile back. The twins talk excitedly at the same time, telling me about all the things they want to do with me to
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