Bailey's pov

"I hate this," Mira moaned, turning around to lie on her back and stared, well more like glared at the ceiling.

Mira, Kristina and I were doing a last minute group study for the exam tomorrow.

Kristina rolled her eyes, lifting her arms over her head and yawned. "For the first time, I agree with you on this."

Mira looked over at her in the bed, her eyes twinkling with that mischievous glint I know all too well. "How about you give us the details on what's going on between you and Mr Malik after your talk?" She wiggled her brows and turned around in her stomach.

Kristina flushed instantly, her eyes quickly darting to the doorway. "Mira!" She hissed.

Mira shrugged. "Parents not home yet and that dweeb of a brother is in his room, mopping because it's girls time and he can't have his girlfriend." She rolled her eyes, scrunching her nose.

"Hey," I said playfully to her. "Leave my man alone."

Mira faked gag. "Did you hear it Kristy? Leave her man alone. Ew."

I narrowed my eyes.
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