Chapter 10: Allure
The snobbish female employee was stunned and fearful of why the manager's attitude toward her became hostile.

"I'll deal with you later!" Ms. Jasmine had almost lost a great deal with a customer.

Because of the employee's negligence, of course, she would be wrathful towards her employee, and judging from the actions of the gentleman when handing the blue diamonds, he may have come from an extraordinary background.

Ms. Jasmine hastily turned around to face Sett, who was calmly watching everything as though it had nothing to do with him.

On the other hand, the snobbish employee's face turns pale. She knew how ruthless Ms. Jasmine could be towards her employees when they made mistakes.

She felt like crying. Now, she could only kiss her job goodbye. It is impossible not to feel regretful. Why did she look down on this fatty? She glared daggers at Sett, cursing him in her mind.

"Sir, my name is Jasmine Pearce, and I am a branch manager of the Treasure Palace conglomerate. Respectable Si
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