Chapter 1113
The woman was left watching frantically—fortunately, Lulu had just struck her child a third time when the baby spat out a clump of whiteness.

Everyone around gasped, with Vivian herself gaping in shock.

To think that Wendy was that formidable she could save a child with relative ease…

Nonetheless, as everyone turned toward the object the child spat out, they were suddenly looking at the woman differently.

"Huh. It's bread… And it's not melting."

"There's no bread offered here in Monsoon. Obviously it wasn't the maid's fault."

The maid turned toward Lulu gratefully—she would not be allowed to stay if Lulu did not help and prove her innocence.

At the same time, the woman picked up her child, crying happy tears just then.

"Oh, thank goodness my baby's fine! Thank you so much! I'm sorry I blamed the wrong person."

She had realized her mistake, since she was the one who had fed her own child that bread.

Her child had been stretching her little hands out for her bread, and she did
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