Chapter 4995
Martha laughed at this scene.

“Hehe, as I said, you’re nothing but a loser. What else can you do when you can’t even control the people under you?”

Maurice was furious at Martha’s sarcasm.

She went too far.

Maurice glared at Philip and Emery and made a decision.

No matter what method he used or what price he paid, he had to leave this place today.

As Martha looked at him mockingly, everyone saw a blood mist in front of them.

“Oh no, he’s going to self-destruct!” Aslan yelled.

He stood in front of Philip warily. Although he knew that Philip would not be injured, he had to perform his duty as an underling.

Everyone took action to set up a barrier to resist a practitioner’s self-destruction.

Just when everyone thought Maurice would kill everyone by committing suicide, Maurice vanished right under their noses.

Everyone was dumbfounded by this sudden turn of events.

They did not expect Maurice to escape.

He consumed a lot of energy to use a blood technique to escap
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