Chapter 4971
“It’ll be too late If something really happens. As for the rest, I’ll make other arrangements.”

Philip spoke to Emery in secret.

He told Emery about selling and auctioning the pills, and Emery was very quick on the uptake. He mastered everything proficiently and was more meticulous about certain things.

Philip was very pleased with Emery.

Barring any accidents, all the pills Philip made would be sold through the Smith Guild from now on.

Philip gave Emery some pills. Since the Pill Guild wanted to seize the Smith Guild, Philip would take over the Smith Guild first.

After everything was done, Philip obtained a note from one of the members.

“This looks exactly like a scam. Tell everyone not to trust this note or app!”

Philip had to admit that the content of the note was very tempting, but he knew it was just a scam.

This note was nothing but a scheme made up by the Pill Guild.

They wanted to use this method to separate the guild from Philip.

This idea was rather naïv
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