Chapter 4953
After many years, Buck still failed to find a suitable comrade.

It was a great coincidence to bump into Philip this time, so Buck decided that he had to follow Philip no matter what.

Rich overheard the conversation just as he was about to leave, and he grinned brightly. What an effortless task. He was just planning to find out more about Philip’s background when Philip volunteered the information outright.

“Highford Practitioner Academy, huh? Haha, I thought you belonged to some large force, but it’s just an ordinary place.”

Rich looked down on Philip.

Rich was from a family of practitioners with years of influence, so he took no notice of an uprising academy.

Many families and guilds looked down upon such establishments too.

Only an idiot would teach others how to practice by contributing their skills and techniques.

Rich returned home with plans to deal with Philip. He had to discuss this with his parents.

Buck found a motel and planned to visit Philip in a few days
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