Chapter 2942
"Oh, no! Back away, everyone," The three elders and Angus were terrified.

Though their formation was formidable, the Southern Boss was far superior in speed and explosive power.

The Southern Boss learned his lesson and dodged the first and second elders' attacks. After that, he broke the formation with his powerful technique.

The three elders, Angus and John had no time to react or fend off the SOuthern Boss's attack.

The five of them rolled off the ground, narrowly dodging the Southern Boss's attack.

"You won't get away!" The Southern Boss advanced and charged at the three elders who were closest to him.

"It's over." The third, fourth, and fifth elders paled.

They just narrowly dodged the first attack and were yet to get up, so they could not possibly get away from the Southern Boss.

With that said, they could only watch as the Southern Boss's attack fell upon them.

"Don't you dare!" The first and second elders were alarmed.

They changed their positions and attacke
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