Chapter 11
At the party, Danna was sitting with her daughter. She didn't like those events, out of courtesy she smiled to hide her yawns, if she were in her lands she would have already gone to her room. Eurides approached them with a kind smile, with an affectionate tone expressed.

"Your Majesty, I hope you are enjoying the welcome from our pack.

"Eurides, it's an entertaining feast. He hid his annoyance. "I really appreciate the gesture. Just tell me Danna —

"Danna, if it's not too much trouble, may I take the princess to her room?" I noticed her a little bored," she blurted out nervously, fearing she would be rejected. However, her she-wolf was excited for the puppy. Since she lost her mate seven years ago, her she-wolf has been depressed and she has rarely wanted to walk through the forest.

"Mommy, yes, I'm bored here, I want to retire with the pretty lady I like, can I go with her mommy?" The girl said with a tender smile.

Danna is overprotective of her daughter and there are few people who
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