Chapter 10
Eurides was furious as she walked towards her son's room, she knocked on the door in anger. Eros opened the door and, seeing his mother's angry face, frowned, and let out a big sigh before pulling away to let her in.

"Eros, I want you to put a stop to that mangy bitch of Lamia," Eurides didn't mince words.

"Mother, I told you not to call her that. He's here at the request of the wolf council.

"He went to the Queen's room to offend her. That stupid she-wolf who pulls her with grandeur wanted Danna to bow her head in front of her," Eurides growled angrily.

Eros changed the expression on his face and his gaze darkened as it flashed through his mind. "It had been an odyssey for my mother to get the queen to come to our lands and Lamia is going to spoil everything."

"How dare you?" He murmured, pacing back and forth and running his hand through his hair.

"I hope you'll put a stop to it." If it were up to me, I would have kicked her out of this pack long ago." Eurides walked to the door and
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