Chapter 5
Her subtle grin was icy and enchanting.

There was an initial look of shock in Odell’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a dark cloud that was cast over them.

“You dare to threaten me? Do you have a death wish?”

To think that in these three years where they have not met, she had grown into such a fierce creature!

His menacing expression was the same as the look he had three years ago when Tara had suffered the unfortunate miscarriage. It was the same look as the one he had when he ordered to have Sylvia slapped sixty times after she gave birth.

All these past events that had been gathering dust suddenly raced through her mind.

Sylvia was rather taken aback.

With a faint smile, she suddenly pressed the razor blade harder into Odell’s flesh.

The razor blade immediately sliced through the dermis of his skin, so fresh blood slowly oozed out of the cut.

She smiled grimly and stated, “Master Carter, you’re the one with a death wish if you still refuse to let go of me.”

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